Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rocco on the East Coast (Guest Post!)

Hi everyone my name is Rocco! I met Pichu because her mom and my mommy are best friends. I was born in Florida so when I heard Pichu was moving to Florida I got so excited! I could tell her and show her how we Floridians do things. This last weekend my mom and dad took me to visit Pichu, Munchies and Pika.. Did I mention how much I LOVEEEE to look and sniff Munchies and Pika. They really don’t like to get close to me but I don’t know why??? Any ideas to how convince them to let me play with them?
Well back to  my trip to visit Pichu. Daddy drove us to Pichu’s house. I loooove car rides except when daddy stops to pay the toll (those people in the little house are scary!). 

When we got there I couldn’t be more excited to see Pich, I couldn’t believe it! I mean I knew I was going to because mommy kept mentioning it but seeing her it was sooo excited and we started playing right away! It was also so much fun to see Auntie Mahia (she always knows the right spot to scratch me) and she said I look super cute (I always love a compliment). The best part about hanging out with Pich is that I can eat her food and she gets to eat mine because while you are on vacation you don’t want to eat the same boring things you always get at home ;). 

On Friday Pichu’s mommy took us to the doggy park near their house. Since Pichu is little we went to play in the little dog area. We had a lot of fun running around but it was really hot so we only stayed for a little while and then they dropped us off at home. I heard them saying that they were going to the mall but I didn’t really pay much attention, I don’t like clothes and I am more interested in relaxing in the apartment with my friends.

When we woke up on Saturday it was raining sooo much! I don’t do rain, I hate to go out when it’s raining and I really hate to walk in wet grass YUCK. I made sure to teach Pichu to protest whenever they try to take her out in that type horrible and inhumane situations. We try to avoid it by pretending we didn’t need to but Daddy and Uncle Alex took us because they really know us and knew we needed to use the potty. Please don’t tell them  but they were right  is just that rainy days are soo yucky they shouldn’t happen. 

I guess they also couldn’t wait to take us out because they were going to the Everglades to get in an air boat and look at alligators. I mean,  I really see noooo fun in that but they were so excited and kept talking about it.  Can you guys imagine what would happen if me and Pichu are confronted by an alligator?? It would not be pretty! And of course as the gentleman I am, I would try to protect Pichu but sadly I don’t think much good would come out of it and it is better no to think about that nightmare.  Well the good thing about our parents’ day trip is that we have the place all to our self! We can run, play, sleep…run, play, sleep its so much fun! 

Sadly my visit came to an end and mommy and daddy said it was time to go back home. Now I can’t wait for Pichu to come over to my town so I can show her all my favorite spots including the beach! 

Adios everyone! 

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